Mature singles Kilkenny

If you have never tried online dating before and find the idea daunting, relax. At Generations Dating we understand taking the first steps into the world of online dating and friendship sites can be confusing. This is where we are different. From our experience providing dating systems and support worldwide, we pride ouselves on our solid dating platform which is easy to use but still has all the great features you would expect from a leading dating site. With thousands of members online everyday from Kilkenny it's an ideal time to do something positive.

How do you know what dating site is the right one for you?

This is a difficult question and very much down to personal preference. Some people prefer the convenience of mobile dating app's while others like a more personalised experience. What we can say for sure is that if you are over 50, its proven that dedicated sites for mature members generally have a better success rate than the more general online dating websites.

Seniors are enjoying the benefits of online dating

No longer just the realm for youngsters, the over 50's are taking to online dating and sites like our own that specifically cater for the older member are booming. With memberships up over 20% in the last 6 months our database is now one of the largest database of active singles over 50 in Ireland. Most of our members are either new to online dating or have tried it in the past and felt uneasy as an older person on a site predominantly used by the under 40's. Our members appreciate our easy to use, safe dating system and helpful customer support. If you think you may have missed your chance at finding your ideal partner or new best friend, don't hesitate. Join now and start meeting new people right now.

Free to join Register for free to start dating now
Find matches easily No complicated questionnaires to complete. Let our matching system find potential matches for you
Secure communications Our secure messaging systems means you can keep your personal contact information private and store you messages in one place.
Lots of members to chose from Loads of genuine singles online every day looking for a mature partner.

Not sure mature dating is for you? You can join for free and search the site completely anonymously right away - and it's completely safe, secure and confidential with no obligations.