Mature singles looking for love and romance in Newyork
Find someone special with Generations Dating, online dating for mature singles looking for a lasting relationship.
We provide a safe, secure, easy to use environment for over 40's to meet local singles quickly and easily.
Singles 50+ in and around Newyork
Discover the world of internet dating with our easy to use search facility, new members suggestions and automated matching system. Finding members who you are likely to click with is our commitment to you.
Get started today by completing our simple registration form and see what members are online now in and around Newyork or anywhere right across The United States.
- Personality tests
- Astrological matching
- Member suggestions
- Secure messaging
- Only mature members
- Free basic membership
- Instant account activation
- Winks and Icebreakers
- See who's online
- See who's viewed your profile
Join for free today
Safe, secure and anonymous, Generations Dating allows members to search and view members nearby with ease. Communication is kept within the site so there is no need to give out potentially personally identifiable information and all logins are encrypted for your security.
- Verified member photos
- Dedicated messaging system
- SSL Encryption
- Scamalytics
- Block or mute members
Getting started
Join free using the simple registration form above, click the confirmation link in your email and start searching members in Newyork right away. See who's online when you are, check out their photos interests and personal description. If you like what you see, why not send them and icebreaker or simple message and see where it leads?