Mature singles Kent

If you have never tried online dating before and find the idea daunting, relax. At Generations Dating we understand taking the first steps into the world of online dating and friendship sites can be confusing. This is where we are different. From our experience providing dating systems and support worldwide, we pride ouselves on our solid dating platform which is easy to use but still has all the great features you would expect from a leading dating site. With thousands of members online everyday from Kent it's an ideal time to do something positive.

With so many online dating sites and smartphone apps how do you know what’s right for you?

This is a difficult and complex question. One where there is probably no right or wrong answer. What we can say for sure is that for a senior single looking for love, its proven that dedicated sites for older singles have a higher level of success than the more general sites. This is before you consider the user experience which has been proven to be one of the major concerns the over 40’s have when choosing a dating site.

Over 40's dating Kent

With more and more older members joining online dating websites, online dating is now a serious option for singles over 40 who previously considered themselves too old for internet dating. Even if you have very little internet experience, Generations Dating is designed for you. We have made our site easy to use and provide customer support 24-7 either by phone or email.

Many of our members are divorced or widowed. Whatever your circumstances why not give yourself another chance at finding love or just finding new friends to spend time with.

Register for free Create your own dating profile and connect with other mature singles looking for love and romance.
Simple matching Finding compatible members is fast and easy. Get daily suggestions
Connect via built in communications tools Our secure messaging systems means you can keep your personal contact information private
New members every day Lots of new members registering every day gives you a great chance to meet someone special

Getting started

Join free using the simple registration form above, click the confirmation link in your email and start searching members in Kent right away. See who's online when you are, check out their photos interests and personal description. If you like what you see, why not send them and icebreaker or simple message and see where it leads?